Schoolhouse Rock Live!
Maples Repertory Theatre 2023
Check out our feature on KTVO here
Winner- BroadwayWorld Award-
Best Theatre for Young Audiences Production
Photo credit: Laura Garfein 2023

Sister Act: A Divine Musical Comedy
Columbia Entertainment Company 2023
"The whole cast was perfect. Great singing, the orchestra was flawless. My thoughts during the show were, where did all this talent come from!"- Terry McKay
"Talent, as any old baseball scout knows, is where you find it and often comes in different packaging. There is no standard – except excellence. Please follow me to two current local community theater products – and you’ll be glad you did.
First is “Sister Act” [...] You will quickly come to the reality that the chorus of nuns is the perfect mix of young and mature, large and small, which has fallen into perfect harmony as the church-saving choir led by Deloris."- Bill Clark
Photo credit: Caitlin Revis 2023

Rogers and Hammerstein's State Fair
Carousel Productions 2023
"Absolutely fantastic performance!" -Brent Berhardt
Photo credit: Andy Coon 2023

Shakespeare's Worst
Capital Fringe 2019
Part of Fringe Curates (read more here)
"... director Bridget Grace Sheaff has assembled a talented cast."- Maryland Theatre Guide
Photo credit: Ryan Maxwell Photography 2018
We Happy Few 2018
Part of the Horror Rep (read more here)
"Best of all, it’s an eloquent script, well directed by Robert Pike and Bridget Grace Sheaff and with a minimum of fluff. WHF’s show is how Frankenstein is best first encountered: a dark room, eerie lighting and Mary Shelley’s words."
"The group titles themselves “devisors,” having collaborated on everything that makes this show so creative and brilliant: the versatile costumes, expressive lighting, props, incredible acting and more."- DC Metro Theatre Arts
"Pike and Sheaff and the devising team get the ball rolling beautifully and spin a masterwork of their own from Shelley’s masterwork." - Theatre Bloom
Photo credit: Mark Williams Hoelscher 2018

A Midnight Dreary
We Happy Few 2018
Part of the Horror Rep (read more here)
"While We Happy Few’s A Midnight Dreary is an entertaining riot, it also keeps true to the eerie air of quintessential Poe. Sure, the company emphasizes goofy elements of his stories, but not without the kind of creepiness that induces knots in the stomach." - DC Theatre Scene
"Between Edgar Allan Poe’s synaesthetic use of language, the spirited performances of McGee, Reynolds, and Turner, and a range of immersive effects, including a drink pairing, audiences are in store for an intriguing hour of storytelling from an American master of weird fiction."
"It is truly a remarkable and uniquely engaging experience."
Photo credit: Sam Reilly 2018

Burst by Amy Leigh Horan
Parlor Room Theatre Company 2018
"As tightly and tenderly directed by Bridget Grace Sheaff, there’s not a moment in Burst’s 90 minutes when its characters’ truths are not treasured."- DC Metro Theatre Arts
"Those walking out of Burst are probably going to hold onto those “It’s Mom, give me a call when you get a minute” messages a little longer than usual, since as the play drives home, life really can change, permanently and without warning, in an instant."- DC Theatre Scene
"Director Bridget Grace Sheaff’s staging keeps a careful hand on the constantly shifting dynamics, as each character works out for her or himself which version of truth to cling to during this crisis." - Metro Weekly
Photo credit: Amy Horan 2018
Infinite Future:
Bernstein's Lasting Impact
by Gretchen Midgley
Monumental Theatre Company 2018
Part of Atlas Intersections Festival (learn more here.)
"Director Bridget Grace Sheaff brought out the skills of a very talented ensemble of five singers who beautifully portray the ebb and flow of this piece. Sheaff has incorporated this musical material in ways that are fresh, original and viscerally compelling."- DC Metro Theatre Arts
Photo credit: Erin Reckner 2018

Tartuffe by Moliere
translated by Richard Wilbur
Perisphere Theater 2018
"A playful cast exploring opportunities to break from the script actually serve Molière better! If you are a fan of the master satirist, Perisphere Theater’s production will definitely get you laughing."- DC Theatre Scene
"The gist comes through distinctly in Perisphere Theater’s pleasant, seemingly up-by-the-bootstraps staging, which uses Richard Wilbur’s translation, brimming with delectable rhyming couplets." -Washington Post
Photo credit: Ciscovaras Pictures 2018

The Dog in the Manger
by Lope de Vega
translated by David Johnston
We Happy Few Productions 2017
"It’s the show’s overall zaniness that allows the quiet and thought-provoking moments to stand out, thanks to the work of directors Hannah Todd and Bridget Grace Sheaff. When characters take time to remark on their issues with relationships, class, and privilege, you want to lean in and listen."- DC Theatre Scene
"Intimate and spirited, the fast-paced romp through love in the Spanish Golden Age is guaranteed to lift you out of your doldrums." -DC Metro Theatre Arts
Photo credit: Mark Williams Hoelscher 2017

Exit Carolyn by Jennie Berman Eng
Nu Sass Productions 2017
Fringe Festival
"Exit Carolyn is so good – and so professional – that it is sure to be a highlight of Fringe."- DC Metro Theatre Arts
Photo credit: Tori B. Photography 2017

Static by Tom Horan
​​Source Theatre Festival Full-Length Play 2016
"Secrets and Sound" (learn more here.)
"Director Bridget Grace Sheaff favors highlighting personal connections over adding special effects to tell playwright Tom Horan’s mysterious new story, Static. [...] The produciton never feels overwhelming."- DC Metro Theatre Arts
"Skillfully directed by Bridget Grace Sheaff, the play unravels like a mystery. [...] It is a beautiful kind of sadness, one that allows you to look into yourself, and the world around you and discover what the connection is. Like sound waves travel through a thousand molecules in mere seconds, so can we come to realize the world’s secrets and our connection to them." -Marlyand Theatre Guide
Photo credit: Teresa Wood 2016

One Word More
by Annalisa Dias
​​Experimental Devised Work
Mead Theatre Lab Series 2016 (learn more here.)
"In One Word More, writer and performer Annalisa Dias offers a bold, mind-bending vision of Shakespeare’s The Tempest that stretches from the remote desert island all the way to the American frontier. Dias, director Bridget Grace Sheaff, and their ambitious creative team have turned back the clock to when Prospero first crashed, confused and afraid, on the storied island ruled by the powerful Sycorax."
"Collectively developed, written by Dias, and directed by Bridget Grace Sheaff, “One Word More” provides food for thought."-The Washington Post
Photo credit: C. Stanley Photography
and Tori B. Photography 2016

The Physics of Now
by Alex Dremann
​​Source Theatre Festival 2015 10-Minute Play
"Science and Soulmates" (learn more here.)
"...director Bridget Grace Sheaff scores with both the characters and action."- DC Theatre Scene
"The Physics of Now was a perfect way to end an evening that made science a little cooler, and romance a lot scarier."
Photo credit: DJ Corey Photography 2015

Ball Drop
by Rich Espey
​​Source Theatre Festival 2015 10-Minute Play
"Science and Soulmates" (learn more here.)
"Director Bridget Grace Sheaff brings the strongest direction of the evening, maneuvering her cast with expert dexterity across the challenging tennis-court space and utilizing an assertive design (including a particularly luscious costume design) to create an extra-planetary atmosphere."- DC Metro Theatre Arts
"Bridget Grace Sheaff's direction is an asset." -Broadway World
Photo credit: DJ Corey Photography 2015

Merry Melodies:
A Holiday Celebration
by Marlena Lustik
​​Cape May Stage Holiday Show 2014
Read more here.
Photo credit: Aleksey Photography 2014

Savage in Limbo: A Concert Play
by John Patrick Shanley
​​Cape May Stage Resident Intern Company and Emerging
Artists Production 2014.
Read more here.
Photo credit: Spencer Potter 2014

Sophocles' Antigone
​​Comprehensive thesis production.
CUAdrama Best Independent Production, Best Lead Actor (Robert Pike for Creon) and Best Ensemble Member (Kira Burri for Ismene) 2014
Read more here.
Photo credit: Derek David and Maggie Grace Photography 2014

Stephen Sondheim's Company
Benjamin T. Rome School of Music Best Direction, Best Music Direction, Best Lighting, Best Supporting Actress (Dani Ebbin for Joanne) 2014
Read more here.
Photo credit: Derek David and Maggie Grace Photography 2013

A Medieval Morality Play
​CUADrama Best Independent Production, Best Direction, Best Design, Best Lead Actress (Samantha Smedley for Everyman), Best Supporting Actress (Victoria Boutin for Good Deeds) 2013
Read more here.
Photo credit: Chris Daileader 2013